IASA Board Members

Jacky Mosman

Jacky Mosman

Nezperce School District

IASA President,

IASSP Past President


Greg Alexader
Greg Alexander
Kenneth Carberry Elementary School

IASA Vice President,

IAESP President


Stephanie Linder

Stephanie Linder

Elevate Academy Nest

IASA Second Vice President,


Rob Sauer

Rob Sauer

Homedale School District

IASA Past President,

ISSA Past President


Brady Dickinson

Brady Dickinson

Twin Falls School District

IASA Treasurer


Division Directors

Robi Jo Colton - IAESP Past President
Principal, Aberdeen Elementary
Aberdeen School District

Ben Parker - IAESP President Elect
Principal, Discover Elementary
Bonneville School District

Luke Kelsey - IASSP President
Principal, Bear Lake High School

Gale Zickefoose - IASSP 1st Vice President
Principal, East Junior High School
Boise School District

Todd Howard- ISSA President
Superintendent, Wallace School District

Eileen Holden- ISSA Vice President
Superintendent, Clark Co. School District

Wendy Landon- IASEA President
Director of Special Education, Bonneville School District

Joy Jansen- IASEA Past President
Director of Special Services, LPO School District