IASA President,
IASSP Past President
IASA Second Vice President,
IASA Treasurer
Division Directors
Robi Jo Colton - IAESP Past President
Principal, Aberdeen Elementary
Aberdeen School District
Ben Parker - IAESP President Elect
Principal, Discover Elementary
Bonneville School District
Luke Kelsey - IASSP President
Principal, Bear Lake High School
Gale Zickefoose - IASSP 1st Vice President
Principal, East Junior High School
Boise School District
Todd Howard- ISSA President
Superintendent, Wallace School District
Eileen Holden- ISSA Vice President
Superintendent, Clark Co. School District
Wendy Landon- IASEA President
Director of Special Education, Bonneville School District
Joy Jansen- IASEA Past President
Director of Special Services, LPO School District