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Andy Grover, Ed.D.
Executive Director
Heather Williams
Associate Executive Director
David Brinkman
Professional Development, Conference Services and Executive Assistant
Rob Sauer
IASA President
Jacky Mosman
IASA Vice President, IASSP President
Greg Alexander
Second Vice President, IAESP President Elect
Letha Blick
IASA Past President, IASEA Region 3/4 Representative
Brady Dickinson, Ph.D.
IASA Treasurer
Robi Jo Colton
IAESP President, IASA Divisional Director
Ben Parker
IAESP Vice President, IAESP Region 6 Representative
Kristy Brinkerhoff, Ph.D.
IAESP Past President, IASA Divisional Director
Tim Lowe
IAESP State/Federal Representative
Tiffany Melton
IAESP Region 1 Representative
Kendra McMillan
IAESP Region 2 Representative
Diane Hardin
IAESP Region 3 Representative
Heather Hepworth
IAESP Region 4 Representative
Betsy Despain
IAESP Region 5 Representative
Doni Davis
IAESP Region 7 Representative
Joy Jansen
IASEA President, IASA Divisional Director
Wendy Landon
IASEA Vice President, IASA Divisional Director