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7 days ago, IASA
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Register now for the IASA Summer Conference 2024: Leading with Courage (Navigating the Future of Education in Idaho) With nearly 60 different workshops bringing together a collection amazing presenters this years conference is not one to miss. This years Keynote Speakers are Nationally renowned and will not only keep you engaged but are sure to provide you with insight to bring back to your role. Ron Clark is the Keynote on Day one and Sean Covel will be the keynote day two! Once you are registered don't forget to sign up for the golf tournament taking place on Friday the 2nd: Spots for both the conference and the golf tournament are filling fast. Sign up today!
16 days ago, IASA
graphic with information about Ron Clark and Sean Covel
Registration is filling up for the 2024 Summer Conference. Keynote Speakers include Ron Clark and Sean Covel. We have nearly 60 great workshops to choose from throughout the conference. We've got great vendors to help with anything your district needs. Network, Learn, and have a great conference. We look forward to seeing you!
25 days ago, IASA
Summer Leadership information picot of Ron Clark with Bio and Sean Covel with Bio
State Board voted to a minimum of 152 days Or meet minimal hour requirement.
about 1 month ago, Andy Grover
The four day week discussion is about to take place at the state Board meeting in Pocatello. The link below will allow you to listen in.
about 1 month ago, Andy Grover
Four day conversation at SBOE. Discussion in the June meeting what the minimum instructional days looks like. Was total information only at this board meeting. June board meeting is in Pocatello.
3 months ago, IASA
State Board meeting today. They will introduce the language in HB 521 that deals with student days and hours. The agenda link is below and there is a link to listen at the top of the agenda.
3 months ago, IASA
The 2024 legislative session is over! Senate just finished up and everyone will adjourn for a week and make sure the Governor signs everything and no Veto's. The. They will sine die and officially be done. It's been a tough session and we will get highlights of the new laws out to you soon. Have a great weekend and thanks for all the support this year. We needed it!!
4 months ago, IASA
Happy Wednesday! I believe that this will be the final day of the 2024 legislature! HB 766 which is the clean up language for HB 521 on 4/5 day weeks, charter facilities funding and a few other things went through Senate State Affairs this morning and now will go to the senate floor. The only other thing on the agenda that needs finished is the ITD (transportation) budget and hopefully that gets resolved this morning as well. It has been a long and grueling session and we will have a post legislative recap mid April! If you want to tune into the Senate today, here is the link
4 months ago, Andy Grover
We could be near the end of the 2024 Legislative Session! We have an Omnibus bill (meaning clear full of fun things from the 4/5 day week to charter funding). I believe this is the go home bill and we will be out of this mess! I will set up a post legislative zoom meeting mid April and talk about all the actual things that got through and those that didn't that we wills see next year! Thanks for being patient this crazy session. watch House Ed at 9:30
4 months ago, Andy Grover
Happy Easter Weekend. Legislators went home and will not be coming back until April 2, which is Tuesday. Still have a handful of things to take care of. Enjoy your Easter weekend and thanks for all you do.
4 months ago, Andy Grover
Wednesday March 27. Things are going slowly as we get close to finishing up. There are only a handful of bills that have any hope of crossing the finishing line at this point. We are watching the trailer bills that address the 4/5 day week issue. HB 742 and SB 1452. Hoping to clear up that language and then get everyone home for another year! HB 521, the facilities bill, will hopefully be signed later this week by the Governor and that will be the direction for facilities moving forward.
4 months ago, Andy Grover
March 25. While we thought we were getting close to the end, ways and means committee will hear 8 new RS's this morning at 9 am MT. Almost all of them deal with education and the new voucher tax credit is one of them. This is so late in the session, hoping the senate won't even hear any of these, since most are not great. Will keep everyone posted on how it turns out. They were moved to ways and means because they couldn't get them out of tax and rev. Watch it at
4 months ago, Andy Grover
ways and means
Friday, March 22. Things are gearing up for the end. Two major pieces of legislation passed yesterday with Launch and the Facilities bill. Today, Jfac will be hearing the education budget and supplemental at 8am MT today. Senate State Affairs will be hearing four "trailer bills" at 8am MT, It will be a busy morning down here at the statehouse but there may only be a week or so left before everyone goes home!
4 months ago, Andy Grover
Senate State Affairs
HB 521 Facilities Passes the Senate by a vote of 23-11. It will now go to the Governor's desk to be signed into law. That is a huge bill with so many moving parts. Hopefully one of the last and we can get the education budgets through.
4 months ago, Andy Grover
HB 722 Launch has just passed the full House. It will now move onto the Governors office to be signed into law. This has been one of the big hurdles this year and it is now moving on. HB 521 is being debated now in the full Senate. I will update this feed when it is voted on.
4 months ago, Andy Grover
Launch Full House Vote
Thursday, March 21. Senate State Affairs will be hearing four new RS's this morning all dealing with "Trailer Bills" to address some of the concerns with HB 521 (facilities). While not sure what each of the RS's contain, we know that they will have some language to address some type of cap on dollars going out, language on the four/five day week, and other perceived issues. We will see if any of these will actually be printed and created into law. Stay tuned. Live Feed
4 months ago, Andy Grover
Senate State Affairs
Wednesday, March 20. Things are hopefully coming to an end for the FY24 Legislative session. We are waiting on several bills to work their way through the system like HB 521 Facilities, Launch, and still waiting for the promised Voucher. HB 710, the newest library material bill is up today at 8am MT in Senate State Affairs. this will be the 5th attempt to get this type of bill through this session. Watch it live
4 months ago, Andy Grover
Senate State Affairs 8am
Happy Friday! There will be a new RS being presented in House Ed this morning on Math funding. We will have the bill on the sway as soon as it is printed. The idea is to get 40m out to districts as one-time money to help with Math curriculum or something to that effect. Please send out a thank you to Debbie Critchfield, she was the driving force behind us not losing these dollars! House Ed will meet at 8:30 MT this morning. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend.
4 months ago, Andy Grover
JFAC has pulled the supplemental off the agenda. It will also be moved until next week. The games are being played. Please reach out to your local legislators and push the need for the supplemental dollars in this year's budget.
4 months ago, IASA